A vinegar smell in your car can be a sign of an underlying problem. Mildew, mold or a faulty catalytic converter can all cause this unpleasant smell, and the good news is that there are several easy ways to get rid of it quickly. A thorough cleaning, a new filter and an ozone machine are all effective solutions.
If the smell of spilled vinegar in car is due to a spill, the first step is to clean up the spill thoroughly with water and soap. After scrubbing the area with a brush or cloth, it is important to rinse and dry the fabric to prevent the growth of mildew. The same technique should be used on any upholstery that has been affected by the vinegar odor, including any mats or floor covers.
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Another quick way to eliminate the odor is to fill a bowl or cup with distilled white vinegar. Place the bowl somewhere in your vehicle, preferably near the source of the odor, such as the back seat or trunk. Let the vinegar sit overnight and it should eliminate the vinegar smell in your vehicle.
Another great way to absorb vinegar smells is with baking soda, which is a natural odor absorber. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the carpet or seats, and let it soak up the smell. This will also help to neutralize any vinegar odors that remain after you have cleaned your vehicle or made a vinegar spill. Finally, make sure that your vehicle is well ventilated before, during and after any cleaning with vinegar or other odor-absorbing products. This will help to eliminate any foul odors caused by bacteria, mold and fungus.