A home’s foundation is one of the most critical structural components. It holds the weight of a house above ground and keeps it from shifting or sinking into soil that is less dense or better supported. Many older homes have issues with their foundations. These issues can include cracks, sloping floors, bowing walls, and sticky doors or windows. A qualified foundation repair service is necessary to remedy these issues and keep your house safe. Check this out: https://fcsfoundationandconcrete.com/slab-foundation-repair-dallas/
Historically, builders used different methods to build their houses. These methods were based on the available knowledge and understanding at the time. However, as time has gone on, these old construction methods have shown to be insufficient for the safety of a foundation.
Preserving the Foundation of Our Past: Historical Restoration Tips
When a historic house needs a new foundation, there are several different options for the homeowner to choose from. These different options will vary in their cost, effectiveness, and time frame to complete the work. Tar Heel Basement Systems will discuss some of the most common options and when they are appropriate. These options range from methods that fix minor cracking to methods for bowing walls that need to be stabilized immediately.
One option that can be very effective and quick is the use of carbon fiber straps to strengthen a bowing wall. These straps are placed around the outside of a bowing wall and then attached to each other at the footings. The straps will help to restore the structural integrity of the wall and reduce the amount of movement in the future. This method is best suited for walls that are only bowing two inches or less.